Research in Media and PhD Experience in Japan
CMDT Dev Team | Updated: January 6, 2023 4:12 PM

Recently, Ms Ong – On Witthayathada, one of our own former Digital Media program students came back to visit us and share her experience with our current students. She is now a PhD student in Japan at the Department of Social System Engineering (Design Course) at Fukui University of Technology.
During the workshop, the former alumni shared her experience as a PhD student in Japan and provided valuable advice for those who may be interested in pursuing their own studies in Japan. She also shared some differences between the education systems in Japan and other countries and how to tackle the challenges of adjusting to a new academic environment.
Overall, the talk was well-received by the students and they loved getting the chance to learn from one of our own successful alumni and get some insight into pursuing a PhD in Japan. It’s clear that their experience and advice will be really helpful for anyone considering a similar path in the future.