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Category: Workshops
Congratulates Ms. Phusanisa Niyomdacha
PSUIC congratulates Ms. Phusanisa Niyomdacha for presenting a paper titled âTASTEA: A Web Application for Generating Personalized Tea Blends for Tea Drinkersâ at the 8th Thailand International College Consortium (TICC) International Conference on 1-2 February 2024! Special thanks to Asst. Prof. Dr. Athitaya Nitchot for being the advisor.
Preparation Course 2024
PSUIC Hat Yai Campus organized an English language preparation course for new students from June 17 to July 5, 2024. The course offered extensive learning opportunities, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through various activities. Additionally, students had the chance to take a virtual TOEIC exam.
TIKTOK Workshop
TIKTOK WORKSHOP . PSUIC has organized an exceptional online workshop entitled “Crafting Yourself as a Creator on TikTok,” teaching the fundamentals of creating professional short videos, providing tips for interesting short video creation, preparing for live streams, and making essential rules and policies on TikTok. Participants also engaged in hands-on workshops instructed by the TikTok …
Resuscitation using CPR and using the Automated External Defibrillator
The International College organised a life-saving training program on CPR and the use of AEDs for staff and students. The aim is to raise awareness about first aid procedures, including CPR and the use of a defibrillator (AED), through practical training. This training equips participants to provide immediate assistance in case of emergencies.
Portfolio Design by CMDT workshop
PSUIC teamed up with CMDT to host a Portfolio Design workshop for high school and university students with a keen interest in creating a polished design portfolio like the pros. Participants will gain skills in crafting design concepts and content that they can incorporate into various creative projects.
Preparatory Workshop for Cooperative Education and Internship Program, topic, Resume with Job Top Gun
Prince of Songkla University International College, Hatyai Campus together with jobtopgun.com which is used to find jobs, apply for jobs, and provide online resume writing services, recognize the importance of preparing students before stepping into working in the industry. This workshop helps support the student’s perspective and experience from experts for a job interview for greater chances …
Workshop VR & Game ( ANIMEX ) 2023
Last Friday we had an amazing learning experience at our Game Design and Immersive Worlds/VR applications workshops. Industry experts Darren Abbott and Dominic Dunn shared their extensive knowledge and real-world experience with us, and we were able to gain hands-on experience through interactive activities, group discussions, and presentations. Here are some highlights from the event! …
Teesside University and PSUIC HatYai Campus
Teesside University and PSUIC HatYai Campus will host a workshop on game design and immersive worlds on January 27th from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM at PSUIC HatYai Campus (LRC2)! Weâll be exploring the latest virtual technology and youâll have the chance to learn from experts in the field. The event will feature two sessions as …
Research in Media and PhD Experience in Japan
Recently, Ms Ong – On Witthayathada, one of our own former Digital Media program students came back to visit us and share her experience with our current students. She is now a PhD student in Japan at the Department of Social System Engineering (Design Course) at Fukui University of Technology. During the workshop, the former …