student activitIES
The Creative Media and Digital Technologies Program conducts various activities for the college students to indulge in communicating and sharing creative and innovative ideas with fun. These extra-curricular activities are joyful ways to engage and motivate them in the learning process. Students can learn new things and explore career pathways as well as prepare themselves on how to handle challenges. Students can also improve their soft skills during regular study.
general document formS
Find out the forms that students normally use for inquiries.
International Students
We understand that studying in Thailand can be both exciting and challenging. This section is designed to provide you with essential information to help you navigate your journey with confidence.
Policies & Regulations
The below section provides you with guidelines on how to use our facilities and services, including code of conduct and other related regulations.
The CMDT program committee has outlined a set of ethical norms and regulations that provide students with guidance on how they should conduct themselves while at PSUIC.
Click the link below to download the related document.
- In compliance with the Prince of Songkla University regulations regarding the bachelor’s program and lifelong learning, students are required to complete all required courses with the minimum amount of credit hours described in the program specification and obtain a cumulative GPA >= 2.00.
- Students must participate in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as required by the Prince of Songkla University
- Students must show a proof of English proficiency. In that, the test results must be less than 2 years old at the date of student
- IELTS >= 5.0 or
- TOEFL (paper-based) >= 500 or
- TOEFL (computer-based) >=173 or
- TOEFL (internet-based) >= 61 or
- TOEFL ITP >= 500
- TOEIC >= 600 or
- Any valid English test results organised by the Prince of Songkla University such as PSU-GET where the scores in all domains: Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing must not be less than 70% or any other valid English test results according to the Prince of Songkla University Announcement.
If you disagree with an assessment decision on your work or have concerns about teaching and learning activities, you can request an appeal using the General Request Form, which can be downloaded from this page. You should explain why you believe the assessment is incorrect or unjust in your appeal. Please submit the complete form to the CMDT program via a supporting staff. Your appeal will be forwarded to the head of the CMDT program to review the information in the appeal and conduct a meeting with appeal panel to resolve the issue with the relevant course lecturers. The head of the CMDT program will inform you of the reconsidered assessment decision.
- Students are expected to attend all classes for the full class period. Attendance will be monitored and repeated absences will affect your ability to complete the course. If your class attendance is less than 80% of the total class time, you are not allowed to take the final exam or submit the final project. You must see the instructor regarding re-entry and completion of the class.
- If you are unable to attend the class due to illness or having a family emergency or serious personal concerns to handle, please notify the course lecturer by email and submit a leave letter as soon as possible. The make-up work or class assignment late submission is up to the course lecturer’s discretion whether it will be allowed or what penalty will be assigned.
- If you dress inappropriately (shorts, slippers and etc.), you are not allowed to attend the class according to PSUIC policy.
Borrowers and Returners must adhere to all rules specified in this form.
- Borrower accounts are non-transferable.
- Return of equipment.
- Borrowed items are due before closing time on the date due.
- PSUIC is not responsible for items Improperly returned.
- Request renewals
- Leave Borrowing Form at IT Admin Locker.
- Maximum renewal : 2 times
- Non-renewable items which have been requested by another borrower.
- Recalls
- Equipment neededs for Course Reserves may be recalled immediately.
- If recalled equipment is not returned promptly, borrowing privileges will be suspended.
- Overdue equipment
- When any borrowed item becomes overdue, the Borrower will be charged 300 baht per day.
- Twice time overdue/delay, borrower will get warning. Third time overdue/delay, borrowing right will be denied.
- Timetable and Steps for Borrowing and Returning
- Please leave Borrowing PSUIC Property Request Form in IT Admin Locker during 09:00 am. – 09.30 am, every day.
- Pick up Borrowed item(s) during 16.00 pm. – 16.30 pm, everyday.
- Please return item(s) during 09:00 am. – 09.30 am, everyday or 16.00 pm. – 16.30 pm, everyday.
- ONLY FLASH set (flash, trigger, tripod) will be allowed to borrow only one day.
- Everyone needs to be punctual with returning equipment
- Accurately checking before borrowing and returning equipment (Please see No.2)
General Uniform

Formal Uniform